Let it Rain

Helen rubbed her elbow, watching the sky darken. Her arthritis always acted up with foul weather like this, but it was also her favorite weather. Nothing could beat a stormy day curled up with her favorite book. Her cat, Kiki, meowed at her. As Helen moved towards the door to get Kiki’s dinner, she noticedContinue reading “Let it Rain”

It’s Finally Here!!

After months of waiting, here’s the link for the newest Rose Petal Musings episode: Oops! – Overcoming Procrastination

April Blog 2024

Wow! So April kind of blew by at a rapid-fire pace, huh? My apologies on getting this to you all a bit late. I do have some housekeeping announcements, so without further ado (and barring any more eclipses): Hannah and I were able to get an episode recorded for Rose Petal Musings! That is beingContinue reading “April Blog 2024”

Daphne and Kitnen Special 2024

It’s officially here! The Daphne and Kitnen Special is a special, one-day-only sale I have to commemorate the lives of my first two cats, Daphne and Kitnen. As such, any commissions agreed upon today will be 50% off as long as they are animal-related! Please comment, like, and share to spread the word!

March Special 2024!

Surprise!! I was looking for a way to commemorate my first cats on the anniversary of their passing, and I can think of no better way than writing about the love we have for our animal companions! So for 3/17 and 3/17 only, all animal-based commissions will be 50% off! Let’s spread the love andContinue reading “March Special 2024!”

March Blog 2024

Happy March! Hoo, boy. What a time. My podcast posting schedule has not been going to plan, as I’m sure you may have noticed. I promised two episodes in February and those did not go as planned. HOWEVER, I have a plan to make it up to my listeners. The January and February episodes forContinue reading “March Blog 2024”

To Catch a Fallen Star

Watching the night sky was a common pastime for young Lillie of Maid’s Hollow. She would lay there as long as she could keep her eyes open, staring into the inky void freckled with light. She could think of no better way to quiet her racing mind and find true peace within herself. On oneContinue reading “To Catch a Fallen Star”