To Catch a Fallen Star

Watching the night sky was a common pastime for young Lillie of Maid’s Hollow. She would lay there as long as she could keep her eyes open, staring into the inky void freckled with light. She could think of no better way to quiet her racing mind and find true peace within herself.

On one such night, Lillie noticed a star falling. It was falling very quickly for a normal star. Lillie stood up to watch and swore she could see where it landed, off in the distance. Before she could think to stop herself, her little legs took off running in the direction of the fallen star.

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Published by Olivia 🌹🖊

I'm Olivia; I run Rose Petal Writings! I can be commissioned at a rate of $20/hour and will put your dreams on paper! 💜🌹

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